
This is a fun game you can play with just a few students or a whole class. It’s a good way to flex those imagination muscles and create some interesting characters!

What You’ll Need:

  • Three dark trash bags
  • Costume Pieces, including:
  • A variety of headwear, such as hats, baseball caps, wigs, helmets, etc.
  • A variety of other accessories, such as capes, coats, jackets, belts, holsters, etc.
  • A variety of objects to hold, such as swords, stuffed animals, fishing pole, books, etc.

To Prepare:

Place the headwear in one bag, the accessories in another, and the objects in the third bag. This is the most fun if the students don’t see the objects beforehand.

To Play:

Have the students come up one at a time and choose an item from each bag without looking. Whatever they take out, they have to put on or hold.

The remaining students then write a few sentences about this new character. They can include any extra details they like, but they should at least reference the items the student chose.

For Example:

A student with a pirate hat, a cape, and a teddy bear could be:

Super Pirate didn’t fit in with the other pirates in the crew. Instead of pillaging and plundering, he wanted to give the treasure away. At night, he flew around the town, searching for someone he could help. When he located a family in need, he gave each child a new teddy bear. The teddy bears were quite heavy, and the children didn’t like them at first. That is, until they discovered the teddy bears were stuffed with gold.

If you have a lot of students, you can have two or three choose objects from the bags at the same time. Then, when the other students write about them, they have to include all three in their description.

What character descriptions did you come up with?

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