Using a Wooden Manikin

A wooden manikin can be a useful item to have on hand if you are beginning figure drawing or adding people into pictures. The joints of the wooden model are similar to those of the body, as the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and leg “joints” enable these parts to be moved to the desired […]

Why Should Children Learn to Draw?

People create art for a variety of reasons, including to express themselves, to exhibit publicly, or to bring in an income. But why should children learn to draw, especially at a time when the focus of many educators is moving back to the basics – reading, writing, and math? Of course, studying art helps some students […]

Pastel Pencils

I first discovered pastel pencils when I was looking for a way to color in some small areas using pastels. While they have the same qualities as traditional pastels, they are encased in wood like pencils and are easy to handle and control, and your hands stay cleaner as you work. 🙂 You can buy […]

Paint a Sunset in Watercolor

This is one of my favorite projects to do with students who are trying watercolors for the first time (or the first time in a long time). It’s a simple project, it introduces different watercolor techniques, and it allows for a lot of creative expression! I’ve done it with students from 7 years old through high […]

Keeping Your Drawing Paper Clean

As you draw, you’ll want to keep your drawing paper free of smudges and stray marks. There are a couple of ways to do this. To give your finished work a sharp, defined border, you can frame your drawing with Post-It notes. For example, if you want your work to have a 1″ border, make […]

Using Masking Fluid

    Masking fluid, also known as maskoid or liquid frisket, is a combination of latex and ammonia that is used by artists to temporarily block out part of a watercolor painting until the surrounding areas have been completed. The masking fluid can then be gently removed so that area can be painted or left white. Masking fluid […]

Splatter Painting

If the weather is nice and the kids need to spend time outdoors, have them try the abstract art method of splatter painting. We did it in some of my art classes with children as young as 5 and as old as 13, and they all had a lot of fun. Using acrylic paints and […]