milk pop tart

By Lilu, Age 7, South Africa

I wanted to use bright, cheerful and cool looking colors on my art so I decided to change the traditional brown looking color of a Milk Tart to my own version of a Milk Tart. The materials I used were pencil and marker pens. I also watch few tutorial on how to draw tarts before finishing my piece of art.

My New Kind of Lollipop

By Serene, Age 5, Canada

My artwork represents the country of China. I used paint , block, clear plastic, construction paper and spray bottle through the process of my picture. My inspiration was from my mom’s homemake food that called BingTangHuLu. It tastes sweet and sour.

Huge Hamburger

By Lewis, Age 9, Canada

I used makers and a sharpie in my artwork. My food
represents Canada. I drew my favourite foods in the hamburger, such as an ice cream and a popsicle. I can eat it in one bite.

Welcome To South Carolina , USA

By Travis, Age 11, USA

My art is called welcome to south Carolina … Each food item represents the food that is in USA ..and also the veggies what my family loves to grow … I use pencil and copic markers for the coloring. Art inspires me to continue to grow