Using Watercolor Pencils

Watercolor pencils (also called water-soluble pencils) are just what the name implies – colored pencils with watercolor properties. You simply draw with them as you would any other colored pencil, then take a wet brush to turn your work into a painting. Watercolor pencils come encased in wood like regular pencils or as woodless pencils […]

Painting with Watercolors

One of my favorite types of art media are watercolors. Using watercolors is a great way to introduce a child to painting — they are fun and easy to clean up. It’s also a good media to try if you want to paint but you have a limited amount of space or time. Easy to set up, interrupt, pick […]

Watercolor Palettes

There are many watercolor palettes available in a variety of sizes and shapes. If you are using tube paints, you’ll need one to put your watercolors on. Be sure to look for one that has room to mix your colors. I’ve purchased the small plastic ones (like the one pictured) for my students for about $1.00 […]

Preparing to Paint with Watercolors

Ready to start painting with watercolors? Here’s how I set up my space before I paint. SUPPLIES: 1. Watercolor Paints – I prefer using paints in tubes, although pan sets are convenient for when you are traveling or working outside and need to carry your paints. 2. Palette – this is the surface the artist puts […]


If you would like to try watercolors, you’ll find there’s a variety of paints to choose from. Watercolors come in tubes or pans, complete sets or as individual colors. Pans are cheaper and easy to find (school sets for children are pans), but they tend to dry out. They are great for traveling, however, since they […]

Basic Watercolor Brushes

There are all kinds of watercolor brushes, but you will only need a few basic brushes to start. Brushes come in various sizes – the bigger the number, the bigger the brush. The best watercolor brushes are made of natural fibers, the finest being the Kolinsky red sable. These are actually not made from a […]

Paint a Sunset in Watercolor

This is one of my favorite projects to do with students who are trying watercolors for the first time (or the first time in a long time). It’s a simple project, it introduces different watercolor techniques, and it allows for a lot of creative expression! I’ve done it with students from 7 years old through high […]