Akashiya Sai Watercolor Brush Pens

About a year ago, I was trying out some hand lettering techniques. One of the websites I visited recommended the Akashiya Sai Watercolor Brush pens for creating fine details. I decided to give them a try. The brush pens are fun to use! And they work just as you would expect them to. Draw a […]

Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket

Frisket, also known as masking fluid, is used by watercolor artists to block out areas of the painting so they stay white. I always use an old, cheap brush when applying the masking fluid; it’s very sticky and tends to ruin brushes. You don’t have to apply a thick layer, though; a thin layer will […]

Atelier Interactive Acrylics

I received several samples of Atelier Interactive Acrylics to try, and I really enjoyed working with them. They are so creamy and smooth, and the colors are vibrant. But in researching them, I found out more information that may just make them my favorite. The Interactive Acrylics are made so that you can make them […]